This summit will expressly deliver what is most lacking in our meetings today. Instead of primarily highlighting the latest and greatest techniques or the most invasive and complicated procedures, this meeting will teach you concretely how to perform all the major aesthetic surgeries in the most reliable, least traumatic, maximally effective, safest fashion. This intensely practical meeting will feature surgeons who are both master technicians and passionate educators. For each major aesthetic procedure, you will take a virtual ride on the expert’s learning curve, with all of its ups and downs, to arrive at their techniques that strive to deliver reliable and maximally safe outcomes. And these presentations will include all the “ingredients,” including every critical strategy and step, throughout pre-, intra-, and post-operative phases of care.
Ultimately, with a clearer understanding of the arc of the expert’s learning curve, including their past failures, present successes, and future challenges, you will effectively be advanced along your own learning curve. The meeting will arm you with logical and proven strategies to more confidently deliver the safest most effective aesthetic surgery outcomes.
And as Steve Jobs used to say: “One More Thing…”: As the surgical world becomes ever more homogenized, the INDIE has and will always be “For Your Eyes Only”: By aesthetic plastic surgeons for aesthetic plastic surgeons.
So we want YOU: Join the INDIE, cheat experience and practice less!