"This is destined to become an annual "must-attend" meeting."

“I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the Indie Aesthetic Surgery Summit. I was unable to watch it live but I just finished all of the recordings and I can honestly say I have never taken away more practical information from a meeting...ever.  As you know, there is a tendency among surgeons, especially young surgeons in cosmetic practice, to never "show weakness" so to hear Lorne Rosenfield say that he can sometimes get lost during a procedure he's done several thousand times is remarkably reassuring.  Hearing how some of the best plastic surgeons in the world have modified their techniques over the years makes you keenly aware that if you aren't growing and learning and evolving then you are becoming obsolete.  I hope I don’t come off ingratiating, but this meeting has motivated me to take a long hard look at many of the techniques that have become routine in my practice to see if I can improve upon them to better patient outcomes and decrease complications.  I am grateful for the invitation to the Summit and I look forward to next year's meeting.  It was fantastic.  Thank you, Craig Blum, MD

“What an amazing and unique interactive educational venue with a round table of the world experts on all aspects of cosmetic surgery you simply  can not get by going to a national meeting since every session was packed with vital and useful clinically information that you can apply in your daily practice . These are the things that you do not get or learn in other meetings .  ie- how to deal with complications and how to prevent them in all areas of cosmetic surgery.  Keep it up.” Rod Rohrich, MD

“The nature of learning and the way information is delivered to the learner is dramatically changing. The Indie meeting is an example of the needed adaptation to those changes. "The  Indie Way" is a novel mixture of focused lectures and extensive discussions by experts that leads to learning in vertical and horizontal directions - i.e. everyone walks away with nuggets of information, even the experts.” Al Aly, MD   

“If you want the polished presentations with only the best results and little of the complications or learning curve, go to just about any plastic surgery meeting.  If you want the actual “dirt”, the “things I learned on my learning curve”, the “things I don’t do any more”,  the “don’t ever do this technique”; or the “here’s how to fix this difficult problem,” talks, the Indie Aesthetic Meeting is for you.  Unfiltered, unvarnished information for the “real” aspects of plastic surgery practice.Michael Zenn, MD

“What a privilege it was to join the faculty for Indie Summit 2.0.  I have never seen a more impressive faculty in one room together for 2 full days sharing literally hundreds of years of practical experience in aesthetic plastic surgery.  My only regret is that such a symposium was not available when I was a senior resident or early in my practice. Great work Lorne and Jeff!”  Robert Gilman, MD

”Finally...a "no BS allowed" meeting.  Presenters could not recycle old talks, there were robust discussions with significant audience participation, and most interesting of all- Drs. Rosenfield and Marcus held all the presenters' feet to the fire. Nothing gets past those guys!  It was tough for the presenters, and that was great for the audience." You knocked the leather off the ball with that meeting…it was unbelievable…”  Steven Teitelbaum, MD, FACS

“This meeting was such a breath a fresh air.  As a faculty member I thoroughly enjoyed putting my talks together and listening to all of the other panels discuss their accelerated learning curves.  This is truly something missing from most of our meetings.  I loved seeing honest results and average cases from colleagues that I have long admired.  It takes a lot of courage to show results that are only average, but we learn so much collectively when we do that and speak openly and honestly about them.”  Marissa Tenenbaum, MD

“The Indie Aesthetic Summit is an excellent meeting for rising stars in plastic surgery! It's a unique format and a wonderful opportunity to learn from the masters in all areas of aesthetic and cosmetic plastic surgery.”   Joseph Gryskiewicz, MD

“I learned a lot from the Indie Meeting. I noticed you mentioned speaking with Anders Erikson and read his book, I’m a big fan and have most of his papers. One of the challenges I see is “how to implement deliberate practice into a surgeons career and during residency”.   Anooj Patel, MD

“I had the honor to participate as a faculty member for the inaugural Indie Aesthetic Surgery Summit this past weekend.  The faculty was composed of  an extraordinary group of masters in all aspects of aesthetic surgery.  Congratulations to Lorne Rosenfield and Jeff Marcus for taking the concept of honest presentation and risk awareness and successfully translate it into an actual symposium.  What an incredible learning opportunity this meeting afforded plastic surgery residents, recent grads as well as well experienced practicing plastic surgeons.  As for me, I don't think I have ever attended or been a part of a meeting as efficient as this one in providing a learning experience.  I hope this meeting and it's format become a fixture in plastic surgery education.”    Robert H. Gilman, MD 

“Congratulations on pulling off a revolutionary new meeting. I think young surgeons may have had their eyes opened hearing from people who don't pretend to have all the answers.”

“We all know it's an endless journey and after we're gone, the techniques our generation came up with will be getting tweaked and improved forever. Nothing is set in stone.” Richard Warren, MD

“You must be so pleased and so proud of the first ever Indie Summit.  I’m so honored that you invited me to be a part of your innovative meeting. It was a stellar, all-star cast of presenters.  I got some great lines to use going forward. Three cheers!!!”  Karen Zupko

The Indie meeting really had a different feel and approach than the traditional ones – and that was refreshing! The faculty was a “Who’s who” of plastic surgery - a hand-picked A-list of surgeon-presenters known for their teaching. It was eye-opening to hear open and honest comments from very experienced surgeons about the things that didn’t work long-term, and the changes to their personal practice techniques that did, and helped them reach a new level of expertise. Can’t wait for next year! Highly recommended.” Thomas G.S. Fiala, MD

“I felt very privileged to be part of the Indie Aesthetic Summitt. A refreshing transparent honest approach to teaching from experts. The learning curve just got flattened!Galen Perdikis, MD

“The Indie Aesthetic Surgery Summit virtual meeting was a tremendous success.  I am proud to have been part of the faculty.  It was a unique forum addressing multiple pearls, surgical tips, and discussion of complications and how to avoid them and treat them.   The Indie forum was different from any other meeting to date.”  Robert Singer, MD, FACS

I think it was unique in the honesty that was displayed. I know you hand selected the faculty for this. I felt that everyone there wanted to be there and participate in something new, not give the same lecture to check off a box. To have guys who are on the podium, (you, Steve Teitelbaum, Glen Jelks), show us their disasters and then tell us they are still trying to get it right was really something special and refreshing. I know that you have been thinking and working on this for several years. I am glad that it finally came to its fruition.” Jeff Roth, MD

“I very much enjoyed attending your recent webinar on plastic surgery. It was refreshing to see your emphasis on proven and verifiable results. Martin Sheinbaum, MD