We have stacked the deck with a hand-picked selection of master surgeon-educators deliberately chosen in each discipline of aesthetic surgery based not only on their technical expertise but also their proven passion as “truth-tellers” willing to participate in this meeting’s innovative transparency.

Meet the “Surgeons of the Roundtable"!

2024 Faculty:

Lorne Rosenfield, MD - Program Chair

Jeffrey Marcus, MD - Program Chair

Al Aly, MD

Robert Gilman, MD

Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD

Jeffrey Friedman, MD

Caroline Glicksman, MD

James Grotting, MD

David Kahn, MD

Bruce Mast, MD

Alan Matarasso, MD

Pat McGuire, MD

Samuel J. Lin, MD

Galen Perdikis, MD

Neal R. Reisman, MD, JD

Kristen Rezak, MD

Rod Rohrich, MD

Lorne Rosenfield, MD

Robert Singer, MD

Sumner Slavin, MD

Louis Strock, MD

Steven Teitelbaum, MD

Marissa Tenenbaum, MD

James Zins, MD